Flushed, irritated skin and intense redness can all be signs of rosacea. This concern is difficult to deal with alone and, unfortunately, can’t be eliminated entirely. However, an experienced dermatologist can address this concern and help you find some much-needed relief. Get in touch with our team at McLean & Potomac Dermatology to find the care and attention your skin deserves today.

Close-up photo of a woman's brown eye and rosacea on her cheek and nose

What Causes Rosacea?

A protein called cathelicidin peptide appears to be the main factor contributing to rosacea. When the body produces too much of this specific protein, the skin becomes inflamed and develops enlarged vessels and irritation. Genetic, environmental, or a combination of both factors may trigger this protein production. Other factors can contribute to this issue’s development, making it hard to treat.

How Do We Address Rosacea?

At McLean & Potomac Dermatology, we offer several treatment options for addressing rosacea symptoms. Our facials are the most gentle and non-invasive option, helping you ease irritation while having a relaxing spa day. We also provide IPL and microinfusion treatments for more intense cases.

What to Expect From Treatment

The right treatment for you will depend on the extent of your symptoms. We will evaluate your skin during your initial visit and discuss the frequency of your flare-ups and your experiences. Many of our treatments take less than an hour to perform and don’t require downtime. However, this varies from patient to patient. Regular sessions may be needed to keep your symptoms under control.

Find Rosacea Treatments in McLean, VA, or Potomac, MD

If rosacea is something you struggle with, we can help. At McLean & Potomac Dermatology, we offer several treatment options for addressing the redness and irritation that occurs due to this disease. Schedule a consultation at one of our offices today to learn more and get the help you deserve.

You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this website or giving us a call at (703) 356-5111.

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Ready to get started? Find a location near you and schedule your appointment to experience the best dermatological and aesthetic care around. You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this site or texting (703) 215-2139.



We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(703) 356-5111