Losing hair is fairly common with age. However, losing your eyelashes isn’t something anyone ever accounts for. If you’ve noticed a decrease in the thickness of your lashes, it may be time to do something about it. LATISSE® is an excellent solution for thinning eyelashes and it’s available right here at McLean & Potomac Dermatology. Schedule an appointment at one of our offices today to learn more and try this treatment yourself.

Photo of a person's brown eye with thin eyelashes

What Causes Thinning Eyelashes?

Let’s face it, long eyelashes look amazing, while thinning lashes can make someone look tired, washed-out or just plain old. There are a few reasons why eyelashes fall out or thin over time. Some of these may include:

  • Natural Aging Process
  • Extreme Rubbing of the Eyes
  • Psychological Issues
  • Eye Infections
  • Hormone Imbalances
  • Immune Disorders
  • Certain Medical Treatments like Chemotherapy or Cataract Removal

How Do We Address Thinning Eyelashes?

Whenever possible, it is best to prevent eyelash problems before they even start. Knowing the cause of the thinning eyelashes can help keep it from getting worse or even happening at all. If you’re having thinning eyelash problems, rest assured there are treatments available at McLean & Potomac Dermatology.

LATISSE® is one of the most effective options for improving eyelash thickness. This treatment involves the application of a prescribed topical serum to the eyelid, which extends the duration of the eyelash growth cycle. When applied consistently LATISSE® helps your lashes grow longer, thicker, and (occasionally) darker. 

What to Expect From Treatment

LATISSE® can’t work miracles overnight, but with patience and consistent application, you will see a difference. Most people see highly noticeable results after a few weeks of application. There is no downtime needed, LATISSE® is non-invasive, and the results are fabulous!

Find Treatments for Thinning Eyelashes in McLean, VA, or Potomac, MD

Tired of thinning eyelashes? Give your lashes a major boost with LATISSE®! This special formula helps your lashes grow thicker and longer – all it takes is daily application. Schedule an appointment in McLean or Potomac to learn more about this treatment today.

You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this website or giving us a call at (703) 356-5111.

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(703) 356-5111