Our skin can be strange sometimes. While growths like warts do not indicate a medical condition, they can be odd and irritating to the touch. Thankfully, addressing these bumps is fairly straightforward. At McLean & Potomac Dermatology, we offer several wart removal options to eliminate these bumps and help you get the skin you deserve. Connect with one of our locations today to learn more.

Photo of a wart on a person's toe

What Causes Warts?

Warts are very common, harmless skin growths caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). They can grow on any body part but are most commonly found on the hands and feet. Their appearance depends on their location. On the tops of the hands and face, they protrude, while on pressure areas such as the palms and soles, they are often thick and flat.

Contrary to what many people think, warts do not have “roots” or “seeds”; the dark aspects sometimes seen in them are actually the ends of tiny blood vessels called capillaries.

How Do We Address Warts?

We offer several options for removing warts and getting you the skin you deserve. Our treatment options include liquid nitrogen, salicylic acid, and shave removal. Removing them may feel uncomfortable, but the process is generally quick and requires no downtime. You will simply arrive at our office, have the wart removed, and be free to return to the rest of your day.

What to Expect From Treatment

Getting rid of warts for good can be difficult. Even after the bump is removed, the virus that causes warts can remain in your system, causing more them to grow. That said, wart occurrence typically declines over time. If you have any recurring issues, we can treat them at one of our locations.

Find Treatments for Warts in McLean, VA, or Potomac, MD

If you have warts that you’d like to get rid of, we can help. At McLean & Potomac Dermatology, we offer several wart removal options to address these bumps and give you the skin you deserve. Schedule an appointment at one of our offices today to explore our options and find the best one to suit your needs.

You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this website or giving us a call at (703) 356-5111.

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Ready to get started? Find a location near you and schedule your appointment to experience the best dermatological and aesthetic care around. You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this site or texting (703) 215-2139.



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(703) 356-5111