The best kept secret about dermatology is that many skin disorders are often triggered by the diet. At McLean Dermatology we provide dietary counseling and meal planning to guide you to healthier skin. Common skin conditions influenced by the diet include:

-Hair Loss
-Unwanted Hair Growth
-Perioral Dermatitis
-Seborrheic Dermatitis

The most common trigger of diet-related skin changes is inflammation of the gut. Such inflammation has also been linked to digestive disorders, heart disease, obesity, chronic fatigue, as well as other chronic health conditions. We are here to guide you to make lifestyle changes to prevent and treat such conditions while also controlling those which manifest on your skin.

We will guide you through dietary plans tailored to your needs. Detoxification diets are often used to heal the gut and are very effective in resolving chronic skin conditions. Detoxification should not be confused with “cleanses” and “crash diets” as they are healthy dietary plans customized to your health needs. Based on  your goals, nutrient-dense foods will be included into your diet while common triggers of skin disorders, such as dairy, gluten, and high glycemic index foods may be eliminated.

Schedule your skincare consult today to gain insight on how to prevent, treat, and manage your skin conditions, and ultimately, prevent long-term health conditions. 

Written by: Seville Nagia

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(703) 356-5111