If you aren’t already convinced that CoolSculpting REALLY works to safely and permanently reduce fat, allow us to shed some more light on this amazing treatment. Cryolipolysis (common name CoolSculpting) as an effective and noninvasive fat reduction treatment is supported by several evidence-based studies that were presented at a meeting sponsored by the Skin Disease Education Foundation (SDEF) just last year. Studies consistently showed an average fat reduction of 20-25% after just one treatment, and even further fat reduction with consecutive treatments spaced 2-3 months apart. Safety studies revealed that common and temporary side effects include redness, numbness and bruising, but no serious side effects, skin damage or pigment changes were reported

Fat Reduction Really Works

Still not sure if CoolSculpting is right for you? We offer FREE and personalized Coolsculpt consultations right here in our office. Give us a call at (703) 356-5111 to book your free consult today!

Exclusive offer going on now: $100 off your CoolSculpt treatment AND a friend’s when you bring a friend.

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Ready to get started? Find a location near you and schedule your appointment to experience the best dermatological and aesthetic care around. You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this site or texting (703) 215-2139.



We're happy to answer any questions you may have, feel free to call us at
(703) 356-5111