Signs of aging can appear on virtually any part of your body. Our age manifests in different ways and neck lines are often common in those past a certain age. These wrinkles can be subtle, but may still draw undue attention and cause you to feel unhappy with your body. McLean & Potomac Dermatology offers several treatment options for reducing neck wrinkles and helping your body look younger. Schedule an appointment in McLean or Potomac to learn more today.

What Causes Neck Lines?
Neck lines can be caused by a combination of factors related to aging, lifestyle, and environmental factors. Common contributing factors include repeated neck movements, sun damage, genetics, smoking, and dehydration. While some of these factors are within your control, others are not; therefore, neck aging can’t be avoided.
How Do We Address Neck Lines?
We offer several laser and topical treatments for addressing aging signs on the skin. These treatments are non-invasive or minimally invasive and rarely require downtime. The right treatment for you will develop on the extent of your neck lines and the kind of results you’re looking for.
What to Expect From Treatment
During your visit, we will discuss which treatment is right for you and what you can expect. In most cases, several sessions will be needed to get your desired results. Most procedures take less than an hour to complete and require no downtime after your visit.
Find Treatments for Neck Lines in McLean, VA, or Potomac, MD
The appearance of neck lines is a common sign of aging that we can readily address. If you’re unhappy with your body due to the development of these and other wrinkles, our anti-aging treatments may be right for you. Get in touch with our team in McLean or Potomac today to learn more.
You can reach us by messaging us through the Klara app on this website or giving us a call at (703) 356-5111.