If you are planning a pregnancy or are currently pregnant, it is important to check the safety of your medications. Topical corticosteroids are effective anti-inflammatory agents often prescribed for the treatment of rash and eczema. A recent study* suggests that pregnant women can use topical corticosteroids for short periods of time at normal doses without posing a risk to their child. A group of 2,658 pregnant women ages 15-44 were given one or more prescriptions for topical corticosteroids. Compared to a control group of 7,246 pregnant women who were not exposed, the study revealed no associations between topical corticosteroids and orofacial cleft, low birth weight, preterm delivery, fetal death, low Apgar score nor mode of delivery. It is important to note, however, that further analysis suggests that the use of potent or very potent doses (≥300 g) of corticosteroids during the entire pregnancy may increase the risk for low birth weight.

From Dermatology Times, *original study published online in JAMA Dermatology

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