Are your lashes looking sparse and thin? If so, LATISSE® may be just what you’re looking for. This amazing FDA-approved treatment improves lash length, darkness, and thickness – attracting greater attention to your eyes. This treatment is non-invasive and only requires an at-home application to be effective. Schedule an appointment at one of our offices today to learn more about this treatment.

Photo of a woman's green eyes and lashes

What is LATISSE®?

Achieve the thick beautiful eyelashes you desire with LATISSE®, an FDA-approved prescription treatment that lengthens and thickens eyelashes. Initially intended for use as a glaucoma drug in eye drop form, LATISSE® has been used with FDA approval since 2001. At that time, eye doctors and their glaucoma patients noticed a hair growth side effect, with longer, lusher eyelashes occurring over time.

How Does LATISSE® Work?

Apply LATISSE® at night after your makeup is removed. Place one drop in the cap of the LATISSE® and apply with the sterile brush. Apply it like liquid eyeliner, tracing a line along the upper lash line right where the lashes meet the skin. Do not apply the LATISSE® to the lower lashes. 

Dr. Lily also recommends applying the remaining product on the brush to the eyebrows. The treatment may be applied to the eyebrows alone if desired as well. It generally takes around two months to see results. Once you stop using the product, your eyelashes and brows will likely return to their previous appearance over several weeks to months.

What to Expect After Treatment

LATISSE® will not lengthen or thicken your eyelashes overnight, but you will see a difference with patience and consistent application. Most people see highly noticeable results after a few weeks. In one study, after 16 weeks, the average user saw an increase in eyelash length of 25%, an increase in darkness of 18%, and an increase in thickness and fullness of 106%! Imagine what it would be like to have eyelashes more than twice as full as they are today! It’s possible with this product!

Before and After Photos

Find LATISSE® Treatments in McLean, VA

If your eyelashes and brows look sparse, it’s time to do something about it. At McLean & Potomac Dermatology, we offer LATISSE® treatments to help you accentuate your lashes and feel beautiful again. Schedule an appointment in McLean or Potomac to learn more today.

Set up your consultation by calling us at (703) 356-5111.

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(703) 356-5111